The world in my camera

Friday 1 July 2011

Megalodon tooth assignment for DMA179 class

For this project we had to sculpt a replica of the Megalodon tooth and design a style guide.
Megalodon is an enormous shark (~52 ft in length) which lived 1.5 million years ago. The size of one tooth can be as large as 7 inches in length and 5 inches wide. Our model was scaled to the actual size. 

For the first step in this project, I sketched an illustration of a tooth with the following dimensions: 6.6 x 4.4 inches .

Next, I gathered all the necessary tools I would need for my project.

Using a hanger, I created a wire foundation for the model tooth. 

Then, I used paper to stuff the wire skeleton giving it substance followed by an outer shell of aluminum foil. 

 I secured the model onto a wooden block using a screw with a washer as seen above.

The next step was to mold the wire, paper and foil foundation using Super Sculpey clay.

I then etched in the appropriate markings using various instruments providing depth and the fine details.

After pre-heating a conventional oven, I baked the tooth for approximately 35 minutes at 275 Fahrenheit.

The model tooth solidified and it was finally time to paint it using oil paintings.

I added a few more last touches to provide realistic details and here is my final product. The whole project, including research, clay modeling, and the study guide, took approximately 12 hours to complete. Who knew it would take 1/2 a day? 


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